Be captured by the heroic paintings of Dyarubbin/Hawkesbury-based contemporary painter Julz Beresford, emblematic of her lifelong affinity for the Hawkesbury region of NSW.
Miriam shares her insights and tips as you learn the techniques to capture the essence and beauty of the human figure. Workshop one focus is introduction to drawing and proportion.
Miriam shares her insights and tips as you learn the techniques to capture the essence and beauty of the human figure. Workshop two focus is using proportion and techniques such as foreshortening.
Miriam shares her insights and tips as you learn the techniques to capture the essence and beauty of the human figure. Workshop three focus is using tone to describe form and texture.
Miriam shares her insights and tips as you learn the techniques to capture the essence and beauty of the human figure. Workshop four explores using different materials to enhance your drawings.
Miriam shares her insights and tips as you learn the techniques to capture the essence and beauty of the human figure. Workshop five explains composition and gestures to achieve natural poses.
Miriam shares her insights and tips as you learn the techniques to capture the essence and beauty of the human figure. Workshop six brings it all together using form, shape, line and tone!
Renowned and versatile, local artist David Ramsland immerses viewers in the dream-like quality of his visions of the bush and the sea.