A woman dressed in a stunning yellow coat speaking to an audience of art lovers. banner image

Support the Bas

The Bas relies on the support of individuals like you to make our programs possible. While government funding and participation fees cover a small portion of our costs, it is through generous donations from individuals, foundations, and corporate partners that we are able to provide a wide range of programs and development activities each year.

From as little as $5 to creating a living will, sponsorship or recurring giving, your contribution helps us realise our donation goals.

Your contribution to the Bas is a direct investment in our key goals of:

  • cultivating creativity
  • amplifying excellence
  • visitor experience.

Take a look at our achievements and aspirations for more detail.

Yes, donations over $2 are tax-deductible in Australia. You will receive a receipt in your name. Please note that the minimum donation on our donation platform is $5.

If you donate to an organisation classified as a ‘deductible gift recipient’ (like the Basil Sellers Exhibition Centre), you can claim a tax deduction on your tax return for that year for your donation. Donating to a deductible gift recipient will likely reduce your overall taxable income, which in turn may reduce the amount of tax you are required to pay.

You must donate at least $2 and keep proof in the form of a receipt or bank statement. When you donate to the Bas, we’ll send you a tax receipt. The more you donate, the more you may claim back. Find out more

More information

If you'd like to speak to the Bas team about a donation, bequest or sponsorship opportunities please contact us: