Same same, but different | Terry Fuller and Amanda Fuller


Opening Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 10am – 4pm

Same Same, but different is a generational exploration of the connection between father and daughter and their individual perception of art as expressed in both sculpture and painting.

Similarities that are bound by inherent factors of a shared bond, life experiences and love to create can be seen in their individual responses. A shared love and value of nature and its representation in both 2D and 3D materials is explored by both artists.

It is frequently said that what matters in art is emotion, both in the work of the artist and the impact of a work on its audience. This exhibition is unashamedly hedonistic in that it is concentrating purely on visual and sensory pleasure as an aesthetic response. As such the expressive works explore not only the sense of sight but the sense of touch with the aim to evoke a feeling of reverie.

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